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Sunday, May 09, 2004

Mallard/eggs/LabradorHappy Mothers Day!

There's been quite a string of business-like posts here recently. It's that time of year. But I do think it's appropriate, on occasion, to break things up with "other stuff".

So it was quite timely when we recently discovered the following new situation. It, coincidentally, is a developing story about a Mother. Or more accurately, and hopefully, a Mother-To-Be.

There are three players in this story... a Mallard hen (we're gonna call her Henrietta), her nest of newly laid eggs (there's 9 potential ducklings here), and our 7 year old Labrador, Mollie.

Henrietta has unknowingly broken the first rule in real estate! When anyone considers property of any type it's the old adage of, "Location, location, location" that will always apply. Location is a prime, if not, the prime factor to set the basis for current and future value. Henrietta, perhaps a first time buyer, has not chosen wisely. She has made her nest just a few feet from our driveway in a location that is considerably within the well-established territory of Mollie. A Labrador dog and Mallard duck in nose-to-bill relations is bound to produce some natural and instinctive issues. Equal Housing laws are not going to come into play.

The story cannot be accelerated because the Mallard typically incubates it's eggs for 21-28 days. That should put a future "birthday" for the ducklings at or near the end of May.

So stay tuned. Regular updates to follow.

- Posted by Bill 9:29 PM - 0 comments

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