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A daily journal concerning Lake Vermilion and surrounding areas
Selected real estate, notes, stories, musings, and anecdotes
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Monday, April 24, 2006

Monday Update.

It sure was a beautiful weekend. The weather was summer-like enough to induce a little Saturday yard clean-up activity. On Sunday the Lake Home and Cabin Show was packed the information and activities for current or future vacation home owners. (Unfortunately, the pleasant weather did not positively affect attendance. But it was good to visit with those nice folks who stopped by to tell their stories about the lake.)

Today, however, was Sunday's evil twin. Today it snowed. Snowed!

Real estate activity is increasing. The inventory of all property types is on the upswing. If you are interested in buying or selling Lake Vermilion area real estate, please contact me.

I, of course, would be happy to help.

- Posted by Bill 9:50 PM - 0 comments

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