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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Some Economic Loose Ends. (Not That We Need More.)

Minnesota is, so far, running behind the pack in the race for "Most Foreclosed".

Do you have a home for sale? Consider yourself fortunate if your listing is not in the City of Detroit.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a.k.a. the Stimulus Bill, will immediately fund numerous transportation projects in Greater (rural) Minnesota. Use these links to view a map and a list of those "shovel-ready" projects.

About 30% of these stimulus funds will be managed as local projects. Lake Vermilion residents will be happy to know that Highway 77 (the old section, I assume) is slated for resurfacing and new shoulders at a cost of $800,000.

The west end equivalent of Highway 77 is Highway 24. It is also a roadway that screams for an upgrade. I would guess it missed the list because it was not in a "shovel-ready" position.

See the local project list here.

FYI, the Twin Cities metro projects will be announced later in the month.

- Posted by Bill 3:37 PM - 1 comments

It seams there are few different types of demographics for real estate. There are the heavy speculation areas, Southern Cal., Florida, Nevada, and Arizona. These areas went down big time after going up big and building like there was no tomorrow. Then there was Detroit, which was devastated due to the car business. Then there is the rest of the Country which is in the middle. Didn't go up as much and isn't coming down as much. It almost sounds like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears.
So there is too, too much, not enough to begin with, and just about in the middle.
Well, I hope we are past most of the bad part and are getting towards rebuilding the markets and clearing out our problems.
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