May 12, 2004
Lake Vermilion Real Estate, circa 1917.
87 years ago Lake Vermilion was a wilder place. But the Lake Vermilion real estate market was already up and running. This ad is evidence of that. The ad reads as follows:
“Leave business worries and get out into the great open for that much needed rest.
Learn where to go for fishing that can’t be equaled on this continent – where gamey walleyed pike, snapping black bass and big muskies attract you from sunrise to dusk. Familiarize yourself with a country that abounds with big game – deer and moose are plentiful. Arrange now to get yours.
Lake Vermilion is the ideal outing spot for the one who wants Nature without the deluxe trimmings – vast forests, purest air, sparkling waters – all are real.
Lake Vermilion has 900 miles of irregular shore line, 360 islands on which the hunting in season, for big game, duck and partridge is unsurpassed.
Lake Vermilion camp sites are surveyed and staked, heavily wooded, excellent sand beaches, public parks, and docks – easily reached by our launch from Tower, Minn., the rail terminus.
Prices $50 to $300 – Easy Terms
Our unconditional guarantee: –
Buy a camp site now – take six months to inspect it thoroughly. If you are not satisfied with every detail as represented, we will refund your money in full.
Write for our booklet “Lake Vermilion.”.
You can purchase the original ad on Ebay. Go here.