March 24, 2009
Surface Analysis.
This would not be the first time I have posted about the lake’s ice conditions.
I have done it before.
This is, however, that other time of year when ice conditions change rapidly. With my acute sense of the obvious, I would attribute the daily changes to the fact that our daily air temperatures are now swinging to both sides of the freezing point.
Today’s lake surface was wet and sloppy. Later in the week that description will change to dry and slippery.
It is also safe to say that the ice is not safe. Or, at least, it should not be considered safe.
So… if you are not able to gather your lake ice condition data by actually visiting the lake… here, again, are the related links to gather the information from wherever you are now.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has an ice-out status website for Minnesota lakes. The Minnesota State Climatology Office offers their version of the ice-out information here. That site also explains how lake ice melts. And it also has the link to the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, a.k.a. MODIS, polar-orbiting satellite that takes daily Earth surface images.