October 23, 2009
A Bigger Fish Story.
Here’s a local big fish story that arrived via old-fashioned means… the local newspaper.
Ed Tausk from Vermilion Dam Lodge hosts an annual Fall Muskie Tournament called the Larry Ramsell Muskie Outing.
This year, two repeat and experienced attendees, by the name of Randy Porubcan and Gene Crowder, braved lousy weather conditions and were rewarded with a memorable catch. Randy boated a Muskie 59 inches in length and 29 inches in girth!
The current recorded Minnesota state record for Muskie (a fish caught in Lake Winnibigoshish in 1957) is 54 pounds. The dimensions of Randy and Gene’s fish put it’s weight in the 60+ pound range! In other words… a new state record! Randy and Gene, however, did what many Muskie fisherman would consider the right thing.
They released the fish.
Muskie fishermen are a dedicated, enthusiastic, persistent, and patient group who have to believe that the next cast is their chance at a 59″ fish. Well, now they all know that Lake Vermilion offers a chance to do just that.
Congratulations to Randy Porubcan and Gene Crowder!
P.S. A recent and similar story from Michigan finishes a distant second.
Update: The Star Tribune now has the on-line story.