Property Taxes And The Referendum.
December 9, 2009
As noted below, the school district serving the Lake Vermilion area will soon begin a near $80 million dollar project to construct and/or renovate school structures.
The two towns serving Lake Vermilion will see significant changes to their existing facilities. The Town of Cook with have a new K-12 school constructed just west of the town that will serve the Cook/Orr student base. The Town of Tower will have the existing school renovated into an elementary school.
If you are a property owner within the ISD 2142 School District, your property taxes will increase.
The School District has provided a worksheet to estimate the impact on your current property tax rate.
View the informational page here.
(For a quick estimate of your estimated annual property tax impact, skip to Step 3 and type in your Taxable Market Value. This thorough worksheet also provides for additional information regarding the effect the tax increase will have on state tax refunds and your state and federal taxes.)