Lake Vermilion Real Estate .com - Minnesota real estate featuring Lake Vermilion area property news and information
A daily journal concerning Lake Vermilion and surrounding areas
Selected real estate, notes, stories, musings, and anecdotes
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Saturday, January 25, 2003

Even though winter has hammered an extra heavy duty lid on the lake this year we can still think about the world beneath that cap. The fish are there. And the Opener is coming. is counting down the hours. And when January makes the fishing a little tougher, the next best thing can be a fish story! Here's an excerpt:

After about 15 minutes I posed the question while looking him straight in the eye and stating his name, "_____, you know how big that fish really is, don't you?" He responded by saying, "yes I do, do you?" I then said, "according to my calculations it is at least 19.53-lbs." He then said, "You are close. It's 19-lbs., 10-ozs."

Read the full tale here.

- Posted by Bill 9:31 AM - 0 comments

Friday, January 24, 2003

Norwegian Bay homeFor Sale!

A beautiful log home located on quiet, picturesque Norwegian Bay. Great privacy with 1100 feet of shoreline and 30 total acres. Lots of northwoods charm with master bedroom in the loft, granite fireplace, screen porch, and exterior decking. Also included is a large garage and log sauna. Beautifully landscaped and level grounds.

Offered at $689,000. Please tour this Norwegian Bay property here.

- Posted by Bill 11:54 AM - 0 comments

I need to add a link on this site for the Sportmen's Club of Lake Vermilion.

The by-laws of the Club state that the "Sportmen's Club of Lake Vermilion Inc. is hereby organized for the express purpose of preserving the wise use of the natural resources in and around the environments of Lake Vermilion for the enjoyment of present and future generations of Club members."

This active group has about 1800 members. Their on-going activities include a continuous list of lake-related projects, a periodic newsletter, and annual meeting.

New members are welcomed. Membership is a great way to put your enthusiasm for Lake Vermillion into action. Join here.

- Posted by Bill 7:24 AM - 0 comments

Thursday, January 23, 2003

It's pretty cold on the lake today. It's not my intention to post a daily weather report but it's this frigid stuff that motivates the year-rounders to precisely announce the temperature on their back porch. I had -23 degrees with a nice breeze. Beat that.

- Posted by Bill 7:10 AM - 0 comments

OuthouseSt. Louis County Ordinance 55 requires that the type and status of all Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTS) on a parcel of property be disclosed by the property owner(s) before the sale or transfer of that property to another individual(s). More information on this popular topic is on the St. Louis County Department of Public Health web page or by calling the Environmental Health Division at 1-800-450-9777. Or contact me via phone or email.

- Posted by Bill 6:56 AM - 0 comments

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

The Minnesota DNR is proposing new northern pike regulations (to take effect on Opening Day 2003) on a number of Minnesota lakes. Lake Vermilion is in this group. The proposal for Vermilion is to implement a 24-36" protected slot. This DNR web page has additional details.

- Posted by Bill 9:35 AM - 0 comments

With our recent weather pattern, we have undoubtedly been making thick lake ice become even thicker. I recently read of chilly temperatures like these described as "marrow-cracking cold".

Officially, per the National Weather Service, it was -17 degrees this morning. I'm sure some local folks could report -20 and beyond. Unless you are a year-round area resident, it is almost certainly warmer where you are.

- Posted by Bill 7:38 AM - 0 comments

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

West Twin LakeFor Sale! This lake shore is unique in that it is located in Lake Vermilion, not on Lake Vermilion. This nice pine-covered property is on West Twin Lake. West Twin Lake is contained within Pine Island. Pine Island is an island in Lake Vermilion. It's a lake within a lake. This parcel is secluded, quiet, and very picturesque. It is comprised of 2 parcels (one on the east shore and the other on the west shore) that total 600+ feet of shoreline and 2+ acres. Please call or email for additional details.

Offered at $29,000 Click here for photos of this property!

- Posted by Bill 6:01 PM - 0 comments

Welcome to Lake Vermilion Real! Enough test posting already, it's time for the INAUGURAL POST!

My first order of business has to be the recognition of the person whose efforts have made this web site possible.

It's a short story... I got a Christmas present from our eldest son. The gift was a small piece to paper upon which was written the words: "Fill in the blank," So I did. And a website is born.

The evolution process was not without pain. Some disagreement , some conflicted opinion, some artistic preference. Some compromise, some concession. All constructive discussion.

From a grateful and proud father, "Thank you, Than". It's a wonderful gift.

Now, get back to college.

- Posted by Bill 9:43 AM - 0 comments

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