March 29, 2007
The Smell Of Dead Fish.
I thought I’d make it.
I thought I’d make it through March. But no. The symptoms are obvious. They’re right here on this page.
I’ve got “Blogger’s Block”.
It’s been three plus days of steady floundering. The blogosphere has drained my energy, pulled me under, and deposited me on a desolate blogger’s beach for anyone’s easy pickin’.
Don’t get me wrong. The market is active and there is plenty to do. That proverbial hint of Spring is in the air. We’re headed for the pleasures of Summer.
It’s just that my bloggestive tract is obstructed. I think it’s self-inflicted. I need a minor change of diet. And a slight adjustment in attitude. Maybe a walk in the woods. These events are temporary and should not be unexpected.
Tomorrow is better already.