March 4, 2009
Ahead To History.
Here’s some facts for anyone who would like to improve their knowledge of how the Lake Vermilion area real estate market performed over the last several months.
I have had a couple of requests to provide information on previous sales activity. This data on completed sales may shed additional light on the values buyers and sellers have found agreeable from the time span of January 1st, 2008 through today. That time period did see a continued shift towards a buyer advantaged market with lower than normal activity levels. I cannot guarantee this list to be 100% accurate but it’s pretty darn close. (The categories match those found in the links listed in the right side bar.)
The information includes final sales prices only.
If you are interested in additional details, please contact me.
January 1, 2008 through March 4, 2009
6 Lake Vermilion lots (road access) ● 6 Lake Vermilion lots (water access) ● 20 Lake Vermilion homes (road access) ● 3 Lake Vermilion homes (water access) ● 3 other lake lots (road access) ● 0 other lake lots (water access) ● 4 other lake homes (road access) ● 1 other lake homes (water access) ● 75 rural residential ● 33 vacant acreage ● 1 commercial ● 5 Ely area lake lots (road access) ● 0 Ely area lake lots (water access) ● 7 Ely area lake homes (road access) ● 0 Ely area lake homes (water access)