A daily journal concerning Lake Vermilion and surrounding areas.
Selected real estate, notes, stories, musings, and anecdotes.

The Egg.

June 22, 2010

I stumbled on this turtle egg several days ago.  It was in the middle of the road.

I had to take snap a picture.  The intent was to relate the photo of the egg to the subject of real estate.  Well… it’s a week later and I can report there is no relationship between turtle eggs and the real estate business.

So… I surrender.

Here’s the egg photo… in raw form with no story to tie it to Lake Vermilion Real Estate.

It’s time to move on.

Update. There appears to be some skepticism in the viewing audience regarding the origin of this egg. Apparently, most turtle eggs are round and soft shelled. This egg is not. It is egg-shaped, hard shelled and about the diameter of a half-dollar. It was not in a nest but on a gravel roadway. Some are convinced this is a duck or bird egg. I’m not sure.

Any thoughts?


  1. you should sit on it and find out!

    Comment by Nancy — June 24, 2010 @ 7:12 am

  2. perhaps the leanderthals were performing solstice rituals .You may have wreaked everything !

    Comment by Al — June 24, 2010 @ 10:19 am

  3. After an intense ten minutes of research.It looks to be a “probably discarded infertile” partridge egg. http://ulocal.wmur.com/_Partridge-eggs/photo/9106156/63455.html?enlarge=true

    Comment by Al — June 24, 2010 @ 10:50 am

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