The Best Lakes Contain Water.
June 14, 2012
It’s raining.
“So what!”…you might think. Well, not so many weeks ago, the extended lack of rainfall/snowfall was made very evident by the water level of the lake. We were in an elevated drought status with dry soils and an unusually low lake water level. However, over the last several weeks, we have had an ample amount of local precipitation. The additional rainfall has allowed for a Lake Vermilion water level recovery. To confirm, you can view the DNR trend here (click on the graph to see the details).
It’s interesting to also note the water levels on other Minnesota lakes. Leech Lake, Winnibigoshish, and Cass Lake have similar patterns to Lake Vermilion. Lake Mille Lacs has had a longer sustained downward pattern. The trend on Lake of the Woods is very stable. Lake Minnetonka also has a similar pattern to Lake Vermilion but with a wider water level range of 8+ feet (versus Lake Vermilion’s 3 1/4 feet).
Water… it’s what makes a lake.
Update: Some areas in NE Minnesota are getting way too much rain.