January 26, 2003
It was a cold and clear day on the lake. The sun was set on “intense” and it put every view into high contrast mode. But it was all for show because those low angle rays simply glanced off everything they hit. Not a single flake or crystal was converted.
So we took a drive on the lake. With the truck. The lake was smooth patchwork of minimal snow and polished ice. And yes, there is generous ice this year. Plus or minus 24 inches is the local word. (But, of course, there must still be a cautious attitude anytime we travel on lake ice. Read the DNR advisory.) It is a unique experience, driving past those places you see only from the runabout or fishing boat. We entered and exited the lake on well used “roads”. We drove slow and everywhere we went someone else had already broken trail. Most of the tracks led to angling houses, although it looked like very few were in use. It was on the brisk side and maybe the January fishing was slow.
So ignore the calendar, enjoy the lake. Please be safe.