March 29, 2004
Spring Cleaning.
Although the weekend rain reduced the remaining snow pack, it’s going to be a while before any outside projects can be started. I did, however, get some time to do a little Spring cleaning in the garage over the weekend. There is a certain satisfaction in putting stuff back in it’s place, throwing junk out, and cleaning things up.
Over the Winter, I also accumulated some items of questionable value here at the webpage.
So out they go!
Here’s a paper cut-out you can build of Bill Gates’s House. How about a dictionary of mispronounced words? A reference for the Lichens of North America. Could you use a List of All Phobias? Here’s a nice list of the Mammals of Minnesota. The Eight Myths of Trying to Conceive. Not sure why I saved that. And also an online Etch-A-Sketch. I’ve got a bunch more but I think I’ll just delete them. They were pretty useless.
There is also a place to go if you have a particularly tough cleaning problem… it called “How To Clean Anything”.