July 6, 2004
July Mayfly.
The overall fishing activity this season has apparently been subpar. This, reportedly, is not a phenomena unique to Lake Vermilion. And now, to further degrade the situation, the annual Mayfly hatch is upon us. A quick glance at the online resources dedicated to the Mayfly (or Ephemeroptera) will reveal one obvious fact. Mayflies are everywhere.
Concerning the Mayfly, I have a suggestion for those associated with the science of genetic modification. Cross them with the mosquito. This would make the mosquito easier to swat. And the fish would eat them.
If you have a suppressed desire to know more about the Mayfly, plan to attend the Eleventh Annual International Ephemeroptera Conference in Montana next month.
This year, as a bonus, the meeting will be held jointly with the International Stonefly Symposium.