April 8, 2008
No More Mr. (Minnesota) Nice Guy.
OK, I’m not sure who’s not getting the message but… “Winter is over”!
We, dedicated and loyal Northlanders that we are, have fulfilled our annual obligation. We’ve honored the contract. We’ve paid the bill and tipped 20 percent. We have enjoyed and endured the Winter of 2007-2008 until there ain’t no more fun or fortitude left on the table.
Just a couple of days ago that traditional icon of Spring activity, the Weber BBQ, grilled us a nice platter of marinated venison chops. And now… 2+ feet of snow later… look at that trustworthy icon! Despite our hearty heritage and tendencies towards quiet winter suffrage, it’s just plain wrong to trade a BBQ spatula for a snow shovel (actual photo) in early April.
There may be a hint of doubt in our voices. There could be a sense of hidden despair in our attitudes. But we will not let this endless Winter defeat us.
We will endure the melting of snowbanks one more time.
And as we persevere in our weakened state, we will keep an eye open for those that may chose to find pleasure with our plight. Those, such a mild-mannered brother-in -law, that might send a photo like this from an unfamiliar paradise.
But we will bide our time.
For there will be the not-to-distant day when the Weber will, once again, sizzle with the freshly caught fillet of a Lake Vermilion walleye. That beautiful Summer day with it’s warm sun and gentle lake breeze will melt the memories of this Winter. And as my thirst is quenched with a cool summertime beverage, a smile will come to my face knowing that my brother-in-law is, most-likely, stuck somewhere in a Metro traffic jam.
Maybe I’ll send him a photo but in the meantime… can we just stop the snow, already?