A daily journal concerning Lake Vermilion and surrounding areas.
Selected real estate, notes, stories, musings, and anecdotes.

December 3, 2008

Canned venisonIn The Can.

We canned venison the other day.

It’s an annual project.

I often look for ways to try and associate such events to the intended content of this blog. In this instance the logic could go something like this: pressure cooked venison = canned meat, canned meat = Spam, Spam = spam, spam = unwanted email, unwanted email = Nigeria. As you can see, the process does not always produce a desirable outcome. A country in west Africa is not exactly LakeVermilionRealEstate.com related material.

So let’s forget that idea.

Did you know that venison is a very healthy food? In fact, venison is regarded as a very healthy and nutritious food! This website lists it as one of the top 100 choices for healthy eating. It’s chock full of the right stuff… high in protein, iron, and vitamin B12 plus low in saturated fat. The internet has abundant numbers of venison recipes including one for slow cooker venison burritos!


So enjoy a meal of this tasty meat at your next opportunity… because Nigerian Spam it’s not!

1 Comment »

  1. send me some!

    your anemic sister

    Comment by Nancy — December 3, 2008 @ 3:12 pm

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