A daily journal concerning Lake Vermilion and surrounding areas.
Selected real estate, notes, stories, musings, and anecdotes.

January 26, 2009


It’s a good day to clean up the desktop.

I suppose the Fed could always raise some cash by selling some of their real estate holdings. (That’s probably a bad idea.) Here’s a map that graphically shows the amount of federal land in each state. Our recent weather has been typical for January. Subzero temperatures are OK this time of year in the neighborhood of the 49th parallel. The New York Times has a story about a recent activity on Lake Superior that you might expect to see closer to the 28th parallel. This year the Missus and I helped out with the Christmas Bird Count. See the Minnesota Ornithologist’s Union website for all things bird. I think it’s normally an event of youth but doesn’t everyone, at some time, dream they can fly? These guys actually do. Do you know a place on the web where a www.lakevermilionrealestate.com widget would be appropriate? Get it here… gratis. Have you been to the new Whitehouse.gov website? It’s nicely done.

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