February 2, 2009
Rant On.
There’s a word that is rising fast on the popularity charts.
In fact, it’s become so well used that the biggest news of the day involving the world’s most prolific rodent could not push the word far enough back into newscast to remove it from the days’ agenda.
It should come as no surprise that our new favorite word is “stimulus“.
Politicians, economists, historians, and others seem to concur that stimulus is needed to nudge our abused and neglected economy back to heath. And although our local real estate market is relatively insignificant, the word stimulus is the right word for what ails us as well.
I probably have mentioned it before but the current market contains no urgency.
So what better than some sort of stimulus to induce some urgency? Someone needs to take the initiative. All of the elements for increased market activity are in place. Sellers are anxious to sell. (That’s a fact because they tell us that every day.) Buyers still have the desire to buy. (We know this because they continue to inquire and research.) But Buyers are hesitant because they are looking for and willing to wait for a good value. But, I believe, that most Buyers might be surprised that many Sellers are anxious and open to negotiation now.
So… we have Buyers who desire a good value and Sellers willing to look at offers.
Would someone or something please stimulate, arouse, or incite this combination into action?
Rant off.