A daily journal concerning Lake Vermilion and surrounding areas.
Selected real estate, notes, stories, musings, and anecdotes.

September 3, 2009

Three Plus Bars.

I can hear you now.

This willl be good news for all you AT&T cell phone users who are frustrated with cell phone reception on Lake Vermilion.

AT&T has enhanced the local coverage with a new antenna on the south shore of Frazer Bay. The improvement is obvious. The AT&T coverage map has not, to date, been updated with the new location.

(There’s still no 3G service in the area.)

1 Comment »

  1. The question is do you want the reception? I enjoy my quiet time away from the blackberry and now I know I am reachable on the lake…

    Comment by Andy — September 3, 2009 @ 8:22 pm

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